Remember to Breathe

I was on the couch of my Airbnb, logged into a previous guest’s Netflix account, fully captivated by the documentary I had selected. The film was titled The Deepest Breath, and for nearly two hours, I had to remember to breathe.

The documentary followed the journey of the Italian free diver Alessia Zecchini, who was attempting to set the world record for the deepest dive in one breath. Her goal was to dive 341 feet in a single breath. As I sat on the couch, I felt my heart pounding. This true story was a thriller.

My fear of deep, open water will prevent me from pursuing this sport. I have no interest in participating in competitive free diving, but I am fascinated by people who are elite at what they do. This sport is considered one of the most dangerous sports in the world, and while I loved learning about it, I found myself drawn to the life lessons.

For example, the desire to dive to a record-setting depth is symbolic of our own inner personal work. There are unexplored parts deep within each of us. Working on these parts requires us to go on a solo journey to places we haven’t been before. No one can do our inner personal work on our behalf – we must do it for ourselves.

Another connection was the role that the safety divers played. While resurfacing, it is common for divers to blackout. Trained safety divers must be on hand to help bring an incapacitated diver to the surface to begin resuscitating them.

Interestingly, a safety diver only swims about a quarter of the depth of a competitive diver. However, as the diver resurfaces, the safety diver aids them as needed. This process intrigued me because you can only be a safety diver if you have been a competitive free diver. A safety diver fully understands the experience of a competitive diver.

I can't help but think about how this is also true in life. For someone to support you on your personal growth path, they need to have done their inner personal work.

And the truth is, we all need safety divers, those who are with us on our journey. While others can’t do the work for us, can’t go all the way into our own deep, dark places, they can be there for us when we emerge. But much like a safety diver, our support system will never get credit for how their presence allowed us to succeed. In my own life, I know I could not do my inner personal work without the support of others.

I was also shocked to learn how easily a diver can get lost in the water. They submerge, head straight down, and feel like they are swimming in a straight line, but in the darkness, they may be swimming in the wrong direction. There are times when our inner personal work can also feel disorienting.

In other words, allowing yourself to go places you have never been before can be very confusing.

My personal growth is non-negotiable. I am grateful for those around me – my safety divers – who have supported me in the seasons when I chose to dive deep again. True leadership stems from a willingness to confront one's shadows and emerge stronger. By embodying authenticity, we inspire others to embark on their path of self-discovery. We can’t lead others if we aren’t willing to lead ourselves to our own place of growth.

Ultimately, the journey into the depths of our souls is not one we can take lightly, nor is it a path we go alone. Just as a diver must eventually return to the surface to breathe again, we, too, must emerge from the depths of introspection, ready to live out the fullness of our lives.

The two go hand in hand; we go to dark places to grow and emerge with a story to live. It's a journey filled with challenges and uncertainties, but it is precisely these depths that cultivate wisdom and the capacity to lead authentically.

The world is hungry for leaders who dare to do this inner exploration – those who plunge into the dark only to resurface with newfound clarity and purpose.

Be the leader willing to dive deep, buoyed by the unwavering support of fellow leaders, ready to emerge and lead from a place of new awareness and understanding.

Breathe, you got this.

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