
It is no secret that I am a fan of good music. I am open to different genres, but if you give me a song with meaningful lyrics, a memorable melody, and harmonies that move my soul, I will likely be a fan.

Part of what I love about music is that it is an excellent example of teamwork. A great song isn’t about one instrument or one voice—it’s how all the pieces come together. The drums set the pace. The bass provides movement. The guitar adds texture. The vocals bring it to life.

And yet, we’ve all heard songs where something felt…off. A guitar solo that goes on too long. Background vocals that overpower the lead singer. An instrument that fights for attention rather than blending into the whole. The music suffers when musicians forget they are part of something larger than themselves.

Great musicians know when to take center stage and when to step into the background. The best leaders and teams understand this as well.

I have been a long-time fan of Coldplay. For decades, their music has been a part of the soundtrack of my life. Recently, I learned something that made me appreciate them even more: Coldplay handles royalties differently.

For most bands, you get paid when a customer downloads a song only if you performed on that song, but not with Coldplay. Every band member gets a cut.

At first, that might seem strange. Why should someone get paid for work they didn’t do? But this approach eliminates the pressure to contribute for the wrong reason. No one has to force their way into a song just to get a paycheck. Instead, they focus on working together to make great music. This allows the band members to focus on the quality of the music rather than inserting themselves to claim a piece of the pie.

What if more leaders approached their teams this way?

On unhealthy teams, competition turns inward. We’ve all experienced it—the person who always speaks up in meetings not to move the agenda forward, but to make sure they’ve been noticed. The extra meeting that accomplishes nothing but keeps specific names in the loop. The reply-all email that doesn’t deepen the discussion but guarantees someone’s name is in the thread. The team member who inserts themselves into a project at the last minute just to be attached to the final product.

On these teams, people are playing a game that prioritizes visibility over impact.

And if we’re honest, we’ve all been there. Maybe we’ve sent that extra email. Added that unnecessary comment. Taken up space just to remind people we’re here. We do this because we are afraid we’ll be overlooked. It’s exhausting, isn’t it? Like trying to play louder in a band when all the instruments are already at full volume.

But healthy teams and healthy leaders don’t operate this way.

Healthy leaders create environments where people don’t have to beg for credit. When this happens, everything shifts. People stop performing for attention and start producing quality work. They step in when they have something to offer and step back when they don’t. The focus is on the team, not proving their individual contribution matters.

A team that knows success will be recognized will always outperform a team where people have to fight for attention. When people believe their work is valued—whether they’re in the spotlight or working behind the scenes—they focus on doing great work instead of constantly trying to prove their worth.

Coldplay’s song “Clocks” has a lyric that asks, "Am I a part of the cure or am I part of the disease?" It’s a question every leader should consider.

The best leaders are a part of the cure. They make sure credit is shared, not hoarded. They create a culture where everyone feels invested in the team’s success. They lead teams where people don’t have to prove their worth every single moment.

So, take a look at your team. Are you fostering collaboration or fueling internal competition? Are you building trust or breeding insecurity?

Coldplay figured it out. And so can we.


In the Forest