In the Forest

I recently had the privilege of giving a keynote to a group of leaders. As I stood before them, I knew one thing for certain: I was in the forest.

Not just a lone tree standing tall, trying to weather the storms on my own. No, I was surrounded by other leaders—other trees, rooted and reaching. In that room, I wasn’t leading in isolation. I was part of something greater. A network of roots beneath the surface, unseen but essential. A canopy of wisdom above, providing shade and perspective. A collective strength that only exists when we stand together.

Too often, we view leadership as an individual pursuit. We think we have to figure it all out on our own, that being strong means standing alone. But trees don’t thrive in isolation, and neither do leaders. A tree standing by itself is vulnerable—its roots shallow, its structure weak. But in a forest, trees share nutrients, they shield each other from the wind, they create an ecosystem that sustains life.

Leadership works the same way.

One of the most powerful lessons from the keynote was this: Our roots matter. They determine our growth, our stability, and our ability to withstand the storms of leadership.

Roots are our values, the people who hold us accountable, the beliefs that shape our decisions. They anchor us when leadership feels shaky, when the wind howls, when doubt creeps in. Without strong roots, we topple.

But here’s the thing: roots don’t just support us individually. In a forest, tree roots intertwine. They connect. They nourish each other. They create an underground network of support. That’s what leadership in community looks like. We’re not meant to lead alone. We are meant to be strengthened by those around us.

Who is in your root system? Who grounds you, challenges you, and keeps you steady when leadership gets hard? Because the truth is, you will not thrive in your leadership without a healthy root system.

Trees need water to survive. Water keeps them strong, flexible, and able to endure seasons of drought. Leadership is no different.

We often think leadership means pouring into others constantly, but the reality is, if we don’t replenish ourselves, we will run dry. Some days, leadership looks like showing up for others. Other days, it looks like stepping back and refilling our own cup. The healthiest leaders do both.

And yet, many leaders ignore the warning signs that they are running on empty—irritability, exhaustion, disconnection. They push through, convincing themselves that rest is a luxury. But leadership isn’t about breaking yourself to build others up. True leadership is sustainable. It’s life-giving, not life-draining.

So ask yourself: How are you refilling your leadership cup? Because you cannot pour from an empty one.

Every thriving forest has nutrients in its soil—essential elements that feed growth. In leadership, one of the most valuable nutrients we have is truth.

If we avoid truth, we avoid growth. If we invite truth, we invite transformation.

The best leaders don’t surround themselves with people who only tell them what they want to hear. They surround themselves with truth-tellers—people who challenge them, who call them higher, who refuse to let them stay the same.

But here’s the hard part: the truth isn’t always comfortable. It stretches us. It forces us to face things we’d rather ignore. It asks us to trade ego for clarity.

And yet, without truth, we wither. Leaders who resist truth create environments where people stop speaking it. And when truth is absent, stagnation sets in.

Who are your truth-tellers? And more importantly, are you willing to listen to them?

Growth takes time. Seeds are planted in the dark before they break through the surface. Bamboo spends years growing roots before it shoots up toward the sky. True strength is built beneath the surface before it is ever seen.

Many leaders stay in the dark because they fear they aren’t ready to step into the light. They hesitate, waiting for perfection, for confidence, for someone else’s permission to lead. But leadership isn’t about waiting until you feel ready. It’s about emerging, stepping forward, and trusting that your roots will hold.

Because here’s the truth: You were never meant to stay hidden. Your presence is more important than your perfection. Leadership is not about being flawless—it’s about showing up, fully rooted, fully present, fully willing to grow.

As I closed my keynote, I looked around the room and knew, once again, that I was in the forest. I was not standing alone, trying to navigate leadership in isolation. I was surrounded by people who were deeply rooted, reaching high, growing together.

That is the power of the forest. That is the power of community.

Leadership isn’t about being the tallest tree in the room. It’s about being part of something bigger—an ecosystem of strength, nourishment, and shared growth.

So the next time you are feeling lonely in your leadership I want to invite you to return to the forest.




However You Want